RV closets usually aren’t big, so you might be wondering how to get all of your clothes inside. Especially if you want to bring lots of clothes for your travel. But first you should be wondering if you need RV hangers to fit inside the closet.

What Types of Hangers to Use in an RV
When we first bought our RV, I wondered whether or not I’d be able to use normal size hangers from home. After all, our newly purchased RV was in storage for a couple months before we would be able to bring it home, so I couldn’t just pop inside and try out a hanger we used in our home.
Over time, I found that my normal hangers would work in an RV, but with some hassle. And you really don’t understand how frustrating it is to not have your clothes fit in your home on wheels until you have the aggravation every single day.
✅ We ended up buying several packs of these perfect hangers and couldn’t be happier with the decision (because we tripled the amount of clothes we could hang, and they didn’t fall off).
Why You Need RV Size Hangers
- Not all RV closets are the same depth. Which makes trying to find a clothes hanger that works a little bit of a challenge.
- Some RV closets have a depth of about 15 inches. But the average clothes hanger depth is 17 inches. Which means that your hangers wouldn’t fit inside easily.
- Children’s size hangers could be an answer, but few adults have clothes that will stay on a child-size hanger.

- Many RV closets also have a curved wall in the closet, where the top of the closet is narrower and then it curves out for a wider base.
- RV hangers can help to keep hangers from coming off of the closet rod while traveling. Even if normal size hangers fit fine, the hook could be so large that it allows the hangers to bounce off of the closet rod while driving.
Keep Clothes from Falling Off Hangers
Driving down the road in your RV leads to a lot of swaying and bouncing. Which means that your clothes can often fall off of the hangers and end up in a pile on the bottom of the closet. Keep your clothes on the hangers by getting some non-slip hangers. They don’t cost a lot of money and they are definitely worth it!

Best No Slip Hangers
We bought these no-slip hangers when RVing and I’m so glad we did. We never had problems with clothes falling off the hangers.

Best Velvet Hangers
Velvet hangers (or the Huggable Hangers) are also a smart idea to keep clothes from slipping. And they usually are space-saving styles, which is important.
Space Saving Hangers for an RV
While you might have a closet in an RV, it likely won’t be very big. You will want to make it as functional as possible.

Best Space Saving Hangers
Using space saving hangers, instead of traditional hangers, can triple your storage space. It worked for us, and we were able to store more clothes in our closets than we thought would be possible.
Thin hangers take up less space in a closet, as seen in the video below. So you can use more.
These types of hangers can break more easily, but we only lost a couple of hangers during our full time RVing. So they are worth the investment.
How to Keep Hangers from Falling Off the Clothes Rod
Clothes hangers bouncing off of the clothes rod is a common occurrence in RVs. It definitely happens often on travel days.

Hangers That Won’t Fall Off
If you are tired of picking up your hangers and wrinkled clothing from the closet floor, invest in these Stay-Put hangers. The small, tight hook actually snaps onto the closet rod.

Make Closet Rod No-Slip
Covering your closet rod in split loom tubing or pool pump tubing will keep hangers from sliding back and forth, which can prevent them from falling off the rod.

No-Slip Closet Rods Simple Fix
Wrap your closet rod with a no-slip surface, such as Gorilla Grip drawer liner or a rug pad.
Another solution that works for some people is to hang their hangers from back to front. Meaning, put the curved part of the hook towards the back of the closet rather than towards the front. It might not help with hangers that jump off the rod, but could help a little bit.